About Us
Muckle Mannequins GmbH. Germany
Our universe of collectables
德國Muckle Mannequins從1993年就開始專攻製作1:1真實比例角色模型,同時也發展包含電影、電視及遊戲領域中角色的周邊相關配件。 1998年,從一個製造「古墓奇兵-蘿拉」道具想法開始, 古墓奇兵遊戲所屬的Eidos Interactive公司對其創意及產品感到驚艷;真實比例的電影角色道具發展項目自此以後開始廣為創作及發展。
Muckle Mannequins所製造生產的角色產品均取得合法授權或特殊發行版權,同時Muckle Mannequins的產品也以專業的設計發展團隊和豐富的經驗享譽全球,生產的產品範圍包含廣受大眾喜愛的模型,雕刻品,在百視達電影榜上有名的真實比例電影道具、電影、電視或遊戲中所虛擬創造出來的怪物,反派角色,英雄人物以及特定限量版產品等等。
Muckle Mannequins的創意團隊包含聞名的雕刻家,模型師,噴漆師以及服裝設計師,團隊共同合作將每個細節製造成栩栩如生、獨特且高質量的產品。Muckle Mannequins始終堅持提供給合作夥伴、客戶及消費者價格實在及擁有完美工藝的產品,並以此一貫堅持的經營理念享有良好形象及知名度。
Muckle Mannequins' experience and close collaboration with leading designers and developers has made the products known worldwide. The product range includes sought-after collectibles and collector's figures, life-size replicas of characters from the most famous blockbuster movies, monsters, villains, heroes, creatures from the fantasy world or computer game heroes as well as collector's products from the above mentioned areas. The creative team at Muckle consists of well-known sculptors, experienced model builders, painters and costume designers, who together create high quality and outstanding unique pieces, through their detailed work. Muckle Mannequins has set itself the task of combining very good quality and a very good price-performance ratio and has made a name for itself in the field of collector's figurines with this concept which distinguishes exactly this. Since 1993 Muckle Mannequins GmbH is a specialist in the creation of mainly large figurines in 1:1 format, but also small figurines and accessories from the film, TV and PC games sector. The figures are produced as licensed figures or special editions for major brands.